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Deepwell Estates
Neighborhood Organization

Every Resident Is A Member of DENO.

The Deepwell Estates Neighborhood Organization was created for the purpose of acting on a broad range of issues that are important to maintain and improve the quality of life within our neighborhood. DENO is officially recognized by and serves as a member of Organized Neighborhoods of Palm Springs (ONE-PS). DENO is not an HOA and does not have the authority to impose restrictions on individual properties. The Board does not at any time or in any way, involve DENO in political campaigns or religious activities. Every resident (homeowner or renter) is considered a part of the Deepwell Estates Neighborhood Organization. The DENO membership for residents is activated upon receiving an application with your email communication information which allows us to keep you informed of neighborhood issues and activities. To participate in neighborhood activities among our neighbors, we do suggest a minimal donation of $35 annually ($60 for 2 years) to help subsidize our neighborhood programs such as our Neighborhood Watch program, our e-communications and website our participation at community wide events and DENO-sponsored neighborhood social get-together activities for the enjoyment of our residents.

About DENO: About Us
About DENO: Who We Are
About DENO: Get Involved
DENO Board of Advisors

Current DENO Officers:


Tamara Hedges, 

DENO Chair

Linda Futterer, Vice Chair

Michael Surina, Treasurer

Verna Norris, Secretary

Board Members:

Nick Falconio (Neighborhood Watch Chair),

Chuck Carpenter, Brian Eggert, Rosemary Humphrey, Barry Smith 


Alternate Members:

Tom Gardiner, Greg Lindell, Ramona Sklar, Cindy Quin, Clare Trautvetter


Member Emeritus: Jim King

The DENO Board of Advisors are entrusted with determining and managing the affairs of the Deepwell Estates Neighborhood Organization. The Board determines all expenditures to be made in carrying out the purpose of the organization. Decisions on behalf of the organization are made by a majority vote of the Advisory Board consisting of 9 Advisors. Three Advisors are elected or re-elected for three-year terms at the annual membership meeting held in February.  The Board of Advisors seeks residents interested in volunteering to serve on the Board as directors or alternates or would like to volunteer on committees. Do you have special skills, talents or passions that could benefit our neighborhood?  Or ideas for neighborhood activities, interest groups or events?  The Board holds monthly meetings to discuss issues affecting the neighborhood, plan gatherings for residents and promote a safe neighborhood under the guidance of the Neighborhood Watch Chair. Meetings of the Board of Advisors are open to any neighborhood resident. Please contact the current Chairperson for date, time and location of meeting location which varies each month.

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Get Involved In Your Neighborhood

It's One of The Easiest Ways To Meet Your Neighbors.

Volunteers are encouraged to participate in the various advisory committees: events, communications, membership/welcome committee and Neighborhood Watch. Our neighborhood represents many diverse backgrounds and talents from which we can all learn and benefit.

We welcome your help, participation and input!

DENO Advisory Committees

  • Events: is responsible for directing and planning of our many activities throughout the year. This committee also handles as aspects relating to the production of our events including venues and logistics.

  • Communications: produces DENO's newsletter (writes articles and photographs events) and maintains the DENO website. Our e-communications with our members is sometimes the only interaction some homeowners have with the organization and it is vital that we stay in touch!

  • Membership: welcomes new residents to the neighborhood and manages the neighborhood-wide database of homeowners.

  • Neighborhood Watch: a group of neighbors who are the ever watchful “eyes and ears” of Deepwell Estates. Our neighborhood watch team includes volunteer Block Captains as well as dog walkers, bikers, joggers, and walkers. 


Get Involved! 

The Board of Advisors is always looking for new ideas for social gatherings. If you would like to help at any of the events, we are grateful for the assistance. Please contact us if you are willing to spare some time and energy at one or more of our events. Many hands make for lighter work. Volunteering is an easy and fun way to get to know your neighbors!

Summer Survival Hosts 2019
Taste of Deepwell Hosts 2019

Host An Event!

Our Deepwell parties are a lot of fun to attend and to host. We are frequently searching for homes to hold these neighborhood functions.  Attendance is generally between 80 to100, with Summer Survival usually a bit smaller with 60--80 attendees. If you are willing to have a DENO gatherings in your home, on your patio or in your yard, plesae contact us. It is easy to open up your home when we take care of all the details, from tables, chairs, food, supplies and even cleanup!

Our Neighborhood Is a DEEPWELL
Of Openness and Friendliness

This article written by beloved neighbor Diane Ross for the neighborhood website and originally appeared in Spring 2010 newsletter and still describes our neighborhood today.  

When walking through the Deepwell neighborhood, one will find a variety of architectural styles, from the mid-20th century to the new environmentally "green" houses. The area also has a variety of landscapes. With only a few homes behind tall hedges, full creative designs are visible including many drought tolerant native plantings. Residents take great pride in their homes. At first glance, the name Deepwell seems strange in a desert community, but according to "The Unofficial History of Deepwell" by Ron Root, it is appropriate. It was here that in about 1926 that scientist Henry Pearson bought property and dug a well. Though he hit water at 100 feet, his curiosity forced him to keep going and he didn't stop drilling until 630 feet. Consequently, the name Deepwell was coined. Today, we are a neighborhood of an estimated 369 homes including the 19 Biltmore houses. The boundaries are Mesquite Avenue on the north, South Sunrise Way on the east, East Palm Canyon on the south, and Deepwell Ranch to the west. This entire area is a mecca for bicyclists, joggers, and dog walkers. Many people get to know their neighbors or at least their dogs through daily walking activities. We have had celebrities living here; most recently was Loretta Young. However, Jerry Lewis, Bill Holden, Marjorie Main, and Tippi Hedren, to name a few, owned homes. We pride ourselves on being a friendly place in which to live. In fact, we have a number of annual neighborhood events to promote neighbors getting to know neighbors. The Deepwell Estates Neighborhood Organization (DENO) sponsors these happenings. In addition, we have an active Neighborhood Watch program and a newsletter.

DENO is one of the oldest neighborhood organizations in Palm Springs. According to our records, it was organized in 1995 and in joining, residents agreed to architectural requirements, regulations regarding compliance with building laws, fences, hedges, and zoning regulations with annual dues of $25. Their focus was to have "influence with Palm Springs City agencies as well as keeping Deepwell Estates in a highly desirable position and good neighborly relationships." The socialization goal continues today through annual events including the Annual Meeting in January and neighborhood garage sale in February. In March, six homes opened their backyards for the Garden Walk. The beauty and variety of outdoor living spaces is absolutely spectacular. Progressive Deepwell in April provides plenty of good food and conversation. August Summer Survival is an evening cocktail party. And Taste of Deepwell (potluck) in October means we get to experience favorite recipes of those participating. It is the openness and friendliness of residents that keeps the organization functioning and Deepwell a desirable place in which to live. 


Photographs by Diane Ross . . . the Beauty of Deepwell. 

About DENO: Get Involved
About DENO: Who We Are
DENO and Our Relationship
With the City of Palm Springs
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Palm Springs is a City of great neighborhoods because our residents choose to make a difference in the places where they live. In 2005, the City Council formalized a process for officially recognizing neighborhood organizations throughout Palm Springs. City officials have increased opportunities for citizen involvement and built strong partnerships between City Hall and the community through these recognized neighborhood organizations. The Organized Neighborhoods of Palm Springs—formerly The Office of Neighborhood Involvement—provides residents with responsive, coordinated services that promote and support collaboration and communication through the recognized neighborhood organizations. At 48 neighborhoods strong, ONE-PS is a network of organizations that gives voice to the issues and concerns of our community. Our Deepwell Estate Neighborhood has a representative attending monthly meetings reporting back to the Board of Advisors on city-wide issues and new policies affecting our homeowners. 

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